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Colon Hydrotherapy FAQ

  • Why is Colon Hydrotherapy Important?
    The colon is one part of the body’s excretory system. Other excretory organs include the lungs, skin, liver and kidneys. If our colon is not excreting properly this can lead to numerous issues such as bloating, pain, hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety, food intolerances, acne and skin issues and much more. Similarly other excretory organs weren’t functioning correctly such as the lungs, we wouldn’t get enough oxygen into the body or be able to excrete carbon dioxide, if the liver wasn’t functioning we wouldn’t be able to detoxify substances, or if the kidneys weren’t functioning we wouldn’t be able to excrete substances from the body. All our organs are important and therefore it is important to make sure they are functioning correctly and help them if they are not.
  • What is the purpose or benefits of having a colonic?
    There are many different purposes and benefits to having a colonic. Overtime, old faecal matter can build up in the colon resulting in the peristaltic (muscular) action of the colon being diminished or reduced which results in constipation and inadequate bowel movements. Colonic hydrotherapy is a safe and effective way of gently removing the faecal matter which may not be otherwise removed especially if constipation is an issue. By gently introducing water into the bowel, this stimulates the peristaltic (muscular) activity causing the bowel to empty itself. It therefore exercises the bowel and improves its functioning. Once the impacted material is removed from the colon, this will allow it to function more efficiently. Colonic hydrotherapy helps to remove toxic material that has built up over time. If elimination of waste material is poor, this can lead to hormonal imbalances (inadequate removal of hormones), acne, skin problems (eczema, psoriasis) as toxic substances are removed through the skin instead of the bowel. Therefore colonic hydrotherapy can have a number of beneficial effects not only on the bowel itself. Colonic hydrotherapy can also help with intestinal bacteria issues such a SIBO and recurrent thrush. By altering the bacteria present in the colon during treatment and combined with an improved diet, this can aid in allowing the beneficial bacteria to ‘thrive’ and preventing ‘harmful’ bacteria from surviving and causing havoc on our bodies.
  • Indications for Colonic Hydrotherapy?
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Constipation Diarrhea Bloating Candida Recurrent Thrush Asthma Allergies Skin Problems (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis) Lethargy/ Fatigue Cravings Bloating Gas Acid Reflux Diverticulitis (in remission) Bowel Cleansing Weight Loss Medication induced constipation Menstrual Problems Fluid Retention
  • Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy?
    Improved bowel functioning (constipation/diarrhea) Promotes bowel peristalsis Reduced Cravings Reduced Bloating Brighter eyes Deep Detoxification Cleans Bowel Pockets (Diverticulosis) Reduced Headaches Improves clarity/clearer mind Clearer Skin Improves mood/sense of wellbeing Weight Loss Improves indigestion/acid reflux Improves fluid retention Can improve menstrual cycles
  • What are the contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy?
    Active inflammatory bowel condition or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Colitis, Crohn’s) Severe Hypertension (high blood pressure) Congestive Heart disease Fissures or Fistula’s Severe or Inflamed Haemorrhoids Renal problems/ Dialysis Abdominal hernia Severe anaemia/Haemophilia Severe Liver Disease/Cirrhosis Abdominal/Colon/Rectal Surgery or C-Section (please wait 6 months) Abdominal Liposuction (please wait 3 months) Bowel or Prostate Biopsy (please wait 3 months) Laparoscopy (please wait 6 weeks) Pregnancy & up to 3 months after natural birth All Cancer’s (excluding remission/post medical intervention) (please contact therapist regarding suitability) Radiotherapy of abdominal area not discharged from medical care Long term oral or rectal steroid use (please contact therapist regarding suitability) Enlarged Prostate Rectal Bleeding (Seek Medical Attention) Under 16 years without GP written referral Feel Free to contact Nicola in relation to this matter.
  • How does Colonic Hydrotherapy help with Constipation?
    Constipation can be defined as infrequently passing stools or difficulty passing stools. It is different for everybody, however and can be classified as having fewer than 1 bowel movement per day, 1 per 3 days or 1 per week depending on the person. Constipation can arise for a number of different reasons, resulting in the inability or infrequently releasing our bowels. Colon hydrotherapy can be very beneficial for people suffering from constipation as it gently softens and removes stools which may be impacted and exercises the bowel by stimulating peristatlis which can improve the functioning of the bowel and help treat constipation.
  • How does Colon Hydrotherapy Help with IBS?
    IBS (irriatable bowel syndrome) means that the bowel isn’t working as it should. It is one of the most common issues that Colon Hydrotherapist treats. The causes of IBS can be unknown, however they can be linked to food intolerances, stress and gastrointestinal upset (bacteria in the intestines). IBS can come in different forms, with people suffering from changes in bowel function such as diarrhea, constipation or both. It is characterised by abdominal pain, cramping, back ache, lethargy, low mood. Colon hydrotherapy can successfully help treat all the symptoms above and help manage or treat IBS.
  • Can a colonic help with my skin?
    Colonics can have a large impact on your skin. If waste material is not removed from the bowel, the body looks to excrete it through different excretory organs, the skin being the largest excretory organ of the body. This can lead to skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Therefore, by improving bowel functioning and excretion, this can have a large impact on the skin.
  • How do I know if I will benefit from a Colonic?
    The best way to find out is have one and see how you feel afterwards. There is no reason why you would not be able to have a treatment unless you have any contra-indications (please see contra-indications list). If you suffer from any of the following there is a good chance that you will benefit from having a colonic: Constipation IBS Bloated abdomen Acne Eczema Psorasis Fatigue Food intolerances Indigestion Shallow complexion Dark circles under the eyes Brittle nails and hair Bad Breath Coated tongue Allergies Asthma Recurrent thrush Menstrual problems
  • Do I need to prepare for it? Can I eat beforehand?
    It is recommended that you don’t eat for two hours before the treatment, but fluids are allowed. There is no need to fast. Eating wholefoods, slowly adding fibre into the diet (e.g ½ tsp of soaked flaxseeds, chia seeds, psyllium husk increasing to 1-2 tsp daily) reducing caffeine and sugar, along with plenty drinking of water in the week before the procedure can help yield the best results. Supplements such as magnesium can be benefical in the few days before the treatment to relax the bowel.
  • What are the aftercare tips I should follow after treatment?
    Aftercare advice will be provided after your treatment, however here are a few simple tips to follow: Follow any advice on diet, supplements, exercise provided to you by your practitioner Chew your food slowly. Eat light, regular meals. Eat simply cooked food. Drink plenty of water or herbal teas (peppermint, fennel, ginger). Increase wholefoods and leafy greens. This will add to the cleansing effect and help regulate the bowels. Focus on improving fiber intake such as wholegrains, quinoa, brown rice, oats, chia and flaxseeds. Reduce refined foods and packaged foods such as white flour, bread Keep water intake high around meals. Avoid drinking too much during meals. Avoid alcohol or 48 hours post treatment
  • Can I eat after a colonic?
    You can eat as soon as you like after your treatment. Generally streamed or cooked vegetables, soups, broths, white fish or meat is the best choice as these are easily digested. Your therapist will go through aftercare advice tailored to you at the end of your treatment.
  • How will I feel afterwards?
    Everybody feels different, however most people generally feel fairly normal. Some people tend to have an increased feeling of relaxation and a boost in mood, others can feel relaxed and tired. It depends on the person. Occassionally some people may have more bowel movements over the next few hours following the treatment while others will have less.
  • Does a colonic hurt?
    No, a colonic is a comfortable experience for most people. It is very rare than anyone experiences more than a very minor, transient discomfort if at all. During the treatment you may experience slight feeling of fullness, or slight cramp which is brief and easy to tolerate. Most people enjoy the colonic and leave feeling lighter, clean and empty afterwards.
  • Are colonics dangerous in any way?
    There is virtually no danger with colon hydrotherapy. It is essentially a natural process, stimulating natural peristalsis. Your therapist is highly trained. All equipment used is disposable, therefore there is no risk of infection. The room is thoroughly cleaned after each client. The water used is thoroughly filtered, removing all microbes, bacteria, viruses and residues that may be present in any water supply.
  • Why not use enemas, laxatives, suppositories instead?"
    Enemas and suppositories only work on emptying the lower part of the bowel (the rectum), while laxatives irritate the bowel wall. These have their place, for quick relieving of symptoms when people become constipated when away on holidays or due to a change in routine. However, if needed more than very occasionally these are not good for the bowel as long term as they are habit forming and the bowel gets used to them, resulting in reduced bowel functioning and worse problems in the future. Colonic hydrotherapy reaches the whole length of the large intestine, is not habit forming and actually helps exercise the bowel, resulting in better functioning of the bowel.
  • Is it embarrassing?
    Not at all! You will maintain your dignity at all times. The treatment takes place in a private room with your therapist who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the colonic procedure and will help you feel very relaxed and at ease. Clothing is only removed from the waste down and you will be covered by a towel at all times. After the gentle insertion of the speculum into the rectum, you are completely covered. The system is a closed system. There is no odour.
  • Do colonics kill or remove friendly or bad bacteria?
    The important bacteria present in the bowel live in a strong biofilm on the intestinal wall. This biofilm is not effected or flushed out by a colonic. If your bowel bacteria are out of balance or disbiosis is present, colonic hydrotherapy may help to balance out the intestinal bacteria by removing the transient bacteria (those not entrapped in the biofilm). In combination with a good diet post treatment, this can help to improve bacterial balance in the gut. Pro-biotics may be recommended by your therapist to improve bacterial balance.
  • How long does a colonic take?
    In general treatments take about 45 minutes. Everyone differs. Additional time will be required before and after your treatment for consultation and evaluation of your session.
  • How many will I need?
    Treatments vary from person to person. The number of treatments will be determined by your presenting problems, bowel health, personal objectives and the treatment. After your treatment, your therapist will discuss whether a second treatment may benefit you or how often or not you may benefit from treatment.
  • Can I have a colonic if I have my period?
    Yes, you can it does not interfere with it. Feel free to speak to your therapist for any reassurance.
  • Can I have a colonic when I'm pregnant?
    No, colonics are not suitable when pregnant.
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